The image shows the workflow within Benchum Decision.
Click on the image below for more information.
Reports Variables File Analysis Expert System Database Bonus Program Update Import Write-Back
Variables Usually, you create a new report in three stages:
Open variables from the database, either with price query, analysis views, or the expert system.
Analyze the interdependencies using the powerful analysis functions and put them in relation to your individual situation.
Save the final report and distribute it to others.
At any stage you can open additional variables. The variables are related to one of the three different axis scales:
Date/Time axis, which can be displayed in numerous formats.
Numeric axis to investigate the dependencies of prices from performance metrics.
Character axis to investigate different investment alternatives.
Analysis After opening variables you can analyze the interdependencies between them and relate them to your specific issues. The Analysis Page puts a multitude of analysis and charting tools at your fingertips, helping you to anticipate and take advantage of price and costs trends in the IT market.
More about easy analysis.
File You can store your report (including variables and calculation work) in a file. After storing, it remain linked to the original database values. When reopening your report, all variables are read again from the database in order to display automatically recent changes (if any). Benchum Decision shows what has changed and the degree of the modification in your calculations.
More about monitoring constantly prices and costs.
Reports and Graphics Your results are displayed on the Report and Graphics Pages. They present the results in both numerical and graphical form and offer a wide array of options for communicating your findings (such as direct PDF creation).
More about instant reports and graphics.
Expert System The expert system extends the analysis and database functionality with easy-to-use mini-applications. Exploit them to better plan your IT investment and purchasing strategy.
More about the integrated expert system.
Write Back Database The database provides fast access to a multitude of prices and other data. You can edit the data you opened on the Variables Page. The write-back feature stores all your changes straight away in your local user database for future reuse.
More about the write-back database.
Update You enlarge the database with the update command. It gives you hassle-free data access for periodical downloads of new data and optional uploads of your user database via Internet, allowing you to constantly monitor prices and costs.
More about automatic update.
Import The import function allows importing data from a number of different spreadsheet and text file formats.
More about importing your data without a hitch.
Bonus Program The application provides a convenient interface to our bonus program, which rewards contributing your market information to the knowledge base. Share your knowledge and take a bonus.
More about the bonus program.