Benchum Letter
Benchum Letter is a periodical publication which offers you competent analysis of new IT sourcing trends. Everything important you need to know on the latest breaking events is condensed onto a few pages.
Valuable tips and hints
Our subscribers find here valuable tips and hints they can't get anywhere else. We offer timely coverage of breaking news and events, allowing our customers to obtain all critical information and insights they require from a single source. In addition to up-to-date market information, Benchum Letter also provides high-level and insightful analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. We emphasize the topics that are most important to your business.
Delivered to your desk
Benchum Letter is published ten times a year and is sent to you by mail. Most customers prefer a printed version as it has the advantage of being more "portable". By contrast, many electronic newsletters are never read. They fill up your mailbox and need to be deleted manually from the mail entry box. We deliver a hardcopy of Benchum Letter directly to your desk.
Drill down to get more details
Throughout Benchum Letter, we include references to our online services that expand and further develop the subject with additional data and perspectives. In this way, our newsletter serves as a convenient interface to Benchum myData and Benchum Analysis, which offer background information and ease of access. Login to your account to get more details about specific subject areas. We hope our services will become your first point of reference to computer economics knowledge.
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