Frequently Asked Questions
Get the help you need online. Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions regarding our inquiry service. Your question is not answered here? Just  Contact Us
How many inquiries can I make?
No limits are expressed on the number and nature of your questions. You can ask as many inquiries and follow-up inquiries as required by your business. No counter is running. However, practical resource limits exist. An inquiry is not a half day consulting engagement. Benchum Consulting, though, recognizes that occasional situations have high priority and may require exceptional effort.
How long does it take for you to reply?
We respond quickly, and our response time should generally be around 24 hours. In very rare occasions the reply might arrive later. By responding quickly, we send the message that you as our customers are important and we are genuinely interested in meeting your needs. You will often get an answer to your questions immediately or at least at close of next business day.
I have signed a non disclosure agreement!
Many customers have signed a non disclosure agreement with their supplier, which forbids them sharing sensitive information with external people. Most confidentiality agreements, though, allow you to disclose confidential data to consultants, which need to know such information as part of your supplier evaluation. Disclose as much as you feel comfortable to share with us. We commit to maintain strict confidentiality of all information that reaches us.
I can’t find what I need on your site!
The big volume of IT products and services that is announced every year means that we cannot publish analysis and forecasts for everything. Naturally we aim to cover the key suppliers and their products. For those products that are not covered from an analytical standpoint, we are happy to provide this information through Benchum Inquiry.